4 Ways Poetry Helps You Navigate Isolated Emotional Trauma

Posted on: 23 July 2021

For people going through emotional turmoil, there are many methods to help reduce the pain, suffering, and isolation felt through the journey. No matter what the situation is, finding ways to heal and navigate your emotions can make a difference on the journey. One way to consider is with poetry. As you find ways to navigate the trauma, learn how poetry for emotional turmoil can help you through your journey.
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Keys To Making Successful Comic Strips

Posted on: 12 April 2021

Comic strips have been around for the longest time. They give artists the chance to show off their work to a large audience, whether it's to highlight a current event or just to get some laughs. If you're getting started as a comic strip artist/writer, these tips will give you much-needed momentum. Develop General Concepts First Before you start writing material or drawing figures for comic strips, you need to come up with general concepts first.
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3 Tips For Wet-Into-Wet Blending In Acrylics

Posted on: 30 November 2020

Acrylics can be a challenging medium, especially since acrylics dry much faster than oils. This makes wet-into-wet blending even more challenging to achieve a smooth look and avoid the harsh edges that occur with wet-into-dry blending. There are various techniques you can use to improve your blending and create your next masterpiece. Buy The Right Canvas No matter how good your techniques are, if you have the wrong foundation, you will not achieve the desired results.
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A Guide To Learning And Improving At Watercolor Painting

Posted on: 25 June 2019

If you work in the world of art and graphics, learning the basics will carry you far. Even though this industry has advanced by leaps and bounds and features various types of technology and software advancement, learning the tenets of watercolor technique is still one of the best things that you can hang your hat on. To this end, you will want to read on and follow these tips in order to get all that you can out of your paintwork for the long haul.
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